Baby boomers not causing a housing downturn

A recent study has debunked the historical predictions of an oversupplied housing market caused by a mass evacuation of baby boomers from their residential homes.

Urban Figures’ report, Trends in Housing Occupancy Demand, found that Canada will actually need another 4.5 million homes for incoming generations in the next 30 years, as baby boomers remain in their homes.

2015 Canadian Immigration: The Express Entry System

The Government of Canada has introduced a new way to select immigrants.  Starting January 2015, skilled foreign workers will have access to the Express Entry system. A new electronic application management system, this structure will apply to Canada’s key economic immigration programs including; Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), and a portion of the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP).

An eye in the sky: Drones help sell homes

Cropping up in Canada’s real estate market over the last few years, realtors are embracing the use of drones to help sell properties.

Providing potential homebuyers with aerial photos of properties for sale, these drones make it possible for those interested to get a feel for the land without physically being present. Compared to the thousands it would cost to hire a helicopter and photographer, the drone technology ranges from a few hundred dollars for personal aircraft, to up to $200,000 for commercial grade units. The higher end drones are operated by controllers, like those used for video games, or can resemble an iPhone.

Canada needs another 4.5 million homes warns study

A recent study says that we will need another 4.5 million homes over the next three decades. Released by Urban Futures, the report points to population growth and increasing life expectancy, and shows a marked departure from past predictions.

Tips for Getting Your Home Holiday Ready

HolidayNeighbourhoodThe holidays are an exciting time to welcome guests into your home, but they can also be stressful. Whether you’re hosting a holiday get-together or are expecting your usual drop-ins, here are some tips to help keep you sane, and get your home ready for the holidays!

How to Sell a Home in the Winter

Although winter may not be the most popular time to sell a home, this doesn't mean you have to wait until the weather warms up to list your property. With the right strategy and a bit of hard work, you can make your home stand out to potential buyers in a season where competition is less fierce and certain buyers are highly motivated to purchase.

Is Your Home in a Growing or Dying Neighbourhood?

Homeowners and house hunters should take note of these indicators of a neighborhood’s health.

When you buy a house in a good neighborhood, you want to make sure the neighborhood stays that way.