Your mortgage term is nearing its end and you've received a renewal offer from your existing mortgage provider. Do you simply sign that mortgage renewal and carry on? You certainly can; however, we suggest you get a second opinion to ensure that what you're being offered is a great option and, more important, a solution that fits your future needs and goals.
Feb 03 2020
Mortgage Renewal Time – You Have Options
Oct 02 2019
Change is for Certain
Mortgage Solutions That Help You Stay On Track
When we first met Eleanor and Jason, they were a young couple buying their first condo together. Fast-forward 5 years to their mortgage renewal date, and a lot had changed in their world. Eleanor had started a new job several months prior to the renewal, and the couple had just gotten married. They were carrying a bit of debt from the wedding, and also wanted to save for the future so they could move into a single-family home.
Jun 04 2019
From Debt to Dream Home
Mark and Sarah were a fairly typical couple when we met them 5 years ago. He worked in the trades, while she was in customer service, both with full time hours and a steady household income. They were moving from a condo to a family home, and everything went smoothly through their mortgage process.