Everything You Need To Know About RRSPs, TFSAs and Your Mortgage

Get The Full Picture Of Your Finances

Is Your Home an Asset or a Liability?

Your Mortgage Should Be Part Of Your Overall Financial Plan

Your home is the biggest purchase you will ever make. It should also be a financial asset, with your equity growing over time as you pay off your mortgage and the property increases in value. 

However, there can be times when your home becomes a liability:

More Canadians using retirement savings to solve bad credit

Like many journeys, the road to bad credit starts with a single step – or misstep in this case. Whatever your situation, once you've started having trouble with your credit score, it can be difficult to find your own way back to a strong financial situation. But you have some money saved in your RRSP, so why shouldn't you use that to get out of debt? While it seems like an easy solution now, you might regret your decision in the future.